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Featured Book Review: Long Live Earth by Meighan Morrison

Photo Credit: niecyisms
How crunchy is your lifestyle?  The "Crunchy" living style has gained much attention and popularity in an increasing number of households. Haven't embraced the term crunchy yet?  Well, think in terms of the free-spirited, healthy living, animal-friendly, environmentally conscious, nature-loving, let's save the world,  people power- kinda population. Think crunch, as in granola.

I never really thought about how crunchy our family's way of life would rate on a wider scale, but I have to admit that I am a crunchy mama.  Recycling, rescue pets and Water Wednesdays are just a glimpse into our efforts toward green living.  We live it and we like it.  Earth is a nice place to live, if we are respectful of its bounty.

Often reiterated as one of my "Mommy Mantras", I tell my kids that you are the company that you keep.  Cyndi aka Sml Footprints, a green living, friendly, fellow blogger at Reduce Footprints (Hi Cyndi!) reviewed and shared an opportunity to win a copy of Meighan Morrison's captivatingly informative book, Long Live Earth.  Based on the earnest review of Morrison's highly recommended Long Live Earth, I submitted my entry and was more than pleasantly surprised to be notified that I was the winning entry.  

The author's son served as her inspiration for 
the rhythmically timed verses of this story of conservation appropriate for readers both young and not-so-young.  Beautifully illustrated by original quilt work lovingly created by Morrison, the meaningful poetic words communicate the importance of environmental conservation on every level- from reusing paper to addressing elected officials as concerned activists.  While out of print for some time, Long Live Earth now has been re-released in celebration of its 20th birthday (Happy Birthday!) with a new Anniversary Edition.  Consistent with the message of environmental awareness, copies of Long Live Earth are printed on recycled paper using certified environmentally-friendly ink.  How's that for talking the talk and walking the walk?

From the genuine words of Morrison, " My generation and those before it have endangered our planet, but it is up to our children and their children to save it.  Children are our greatest resource.  They are the hope for the future of the Earth.  Long live our children!"  As a crunchy mom, I gotta agree.  My kids are the most significant reason for our family's choices and actions towards green living.  They are the hope for the future.  We're crunchy and we're proud. 

Thank you again to Reduce Footprints and Meighan Morrison and all of the dedicated environmentalists- big and small, that make a commitment each day to reduce, reuse and recycle.  This is our Earth and our responsibility.  How crunchy is your lifestyle?

I received a copy of Long Live Earth from Meighan Morrison as fulfillment of a contest giveaway sponsored by Reduce Footprints.  As the owner of this blog, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics.  Even though the writer and owner of this blog receives compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or services.  The views and opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own, unless otherwise noted.  Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.


  1. Hi Denise! What a great review! And thank you for the kind mention of my blog. I love your definition of "crunchy". When I was a teenager, my friends called me a granola-girl. As an adult, I'm proud to be crunchy. I'm so glad that you liked the book ... I think it's fabulous ... Meighan Morrison is a brilliant author and a really nice person, as well! Thanks, again, Denise! :-)

  2. Wow, Denise - I so appreciate your kind, thoughtful and fun review! How is it that you won the book give-away but I feel like the big winner? Here's to keeping it crunchy! Appreciatively, Meighan

  3. Great review! While I couldn't embrace a crunchy lifestyle, I know others who swear by it! ;) Love from SITS!

  4. What a nice review! And I love the look of the book - I know they say don't judge a book by its cover, but this one looks really interesting. Thanks for sharing, Denise

  5. That book sounds great. I love the word crunchy too. I could be crunchier, but I will be soon, it's something everyone should aspire to! :)

  6. We do what we can to be environmentally friendly; recycle, buy local, thrift shop, eat lots of vegan meals, use reusable bags, and try to cut back on water use but I know there is a lot more we could do.


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