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8 Reasons To Make Today a Play Day

Play is considered to be a child's work. Does this sound like a logical statement from your observation of children at play? Well, consider these facts, through play and interactions with other playmates and supervising adults, distinct developmental social and physical milestones are reached. Children learn, establish and negotiate the rules of the game, they assess how they can best and better contribute to the environment, they understand how to voice their expectations of others and fulfill their roles in the scheme of things. Oh, and of course, children get the opportunity to stretch their legs, to run, to jump, to fly (figuratively, not literally), and to give those strong "outside" voices a test to their limits.

8 Reasons To Make Today a Play Day

Play is truly an essential aspect in child development. Aside from having a great time getting to know how other kids think, speak and the ups and downs of friendships, rivalries, and sportsmanship. Playtime creates the framework for acquiring the reading, writing and mathematical concepts key to basic early educational achievements. Take a look at how your playful involvement can benefit child development.

Physical Development

Kids learn to fine tune the mechanics of catching and throwing, climbing and crawling and balancing and bouncing as their gross motor skills are exercised. Physical development in childhood leads to establishing lifetime fitness habits. 

Fine Motor Skills

Coordinating those little hands and busy fingers to be able to manipulate sticks, ropes and other small playthings are acquired fine motor skills are continually refined as children develop. Grasping these techniques preclude more advanced skill sets kids will use in academic endeavors. 

Critical Thinking

During interactive play time, observation of the "hows and whys" of the world are revealed. Children gain knowledge of problem-solving abilities useful for both personal and group dilemmas. Learning the mechanics of their environment helps to bring logic to their worlds.

Language Development

The verbal exchanges between kids during social interactions on the playground allow for vocabulary expansion and often enhance self-expression abilities. Kids often learn best from a combination of observation of other children and hands-on learning.

Creative Expression 

Imaginative play takes the imitation of everyday experiences and observances to the next level. While kids are at play, allow child-led conversations to open the gateways to the marvels of their minds. 

Social Skills

Introverts meet extroverts, while leaders enchant followers. As kids begin to master the fine art of socializing emerging personality traits begin to manifest. Some kids will easily manage to jump into new situations, others will need time to feel comfortable, both approaches are within the norm of child development. 

Emotional Development 

Simulated situations created when young minds are put into action display the range of feelings that they are learning to conceptualize. The thrills of winning are experienced along with the frustrations sharing treasured possessions. Talk through the smiles and tears to encourage lessons in empathy.


There is no greater sight to behold than the proud smile of accomplishment beaming across of the face of the kid that is winning. Of course, in life, everyday will not abound with sunshine and rainbows. There are teachable moments in both winning and losing, with an emphasis on persistence, attitude and working towards goals are a great starting point. And, by all means, praise every effort toward having good, clean fun while playing because, that's your job!

Can you remember your first playmates? What are some of your happiest memories of childhood? 
