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Top 25 Trending Kids Toys Showcased at Toy Fair in NYC

 It's that blustery, blissful time of the year when the 112th North American International Toy Fair attracts industry leaders within New York City's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. The highly anticipated annual trade show event is owned and produced by the Toy Industry Association, Inc. (TIA). Cheery characters, strategic games, maker toys and hi-tech gadgets for all ages amazed attendees. 

The Toy Fair showcases everything and anything focusing on play, however with big business deals and corporate sales taking priority, children are not able to attend the playful event. Big name brand and kickstarter ventures made local and international appearances for the opportunity to showcase classic and new concepts to the industry. The showing with the TIA is a make-or-break moment, being recognized as the industry forerunner and "the authoritative voice of the North American toy industry". 

The top trending kids toys on the market at this year's toy fair showcased STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Art and Mathematics) learning, Maker Technology incorporating the use of gadgetry and mechanics, fitness and movement and the de-emphasis of gender specific toys. Toy companies pitched their niche in the scheme of the game as being a trendsetters facilitating child development through play and exploration.

Recapping some of the Top 25 Kids Toy Brands represented at the New York Toy Fair- 

The North American International Toy Fair hails toy industry brands as a major trade show eager to make the necessary connections that result in the underlying reality. Play time! 
