Sigh... Time for a truth bomb, a confession, the not-so-big reveal. My name is Niecy and I am a procrastinator. Deep sigh... *shrug* For a very long time, I was never really quite certain as to the reason for my procrastination. I have come to understand that I am also a classic perfectionist. In my ideal world I would have created the perfect combination of events that render peace on Earth and a space for me to accomplish all of my goals. A girl can dream or take matters into her own hands, with the guidance of an organizational expert.
Thank you to David Parker and his promotional team for the courtesy of providing a gratuitous advanced review copy for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.
How the J.O.T. Method in The More You Do The Better You Feel Saved Me

The More You Do, The Better You Feel How to Overcome Procrastination and Live a Happier Life the recent release from author David Parker, proved to be more than just a redefining read, this was my introduction to the J.O.T. Method. Working from home, while simultaneously homeschooling my four year-old son is multitasking to the highest level, and chaotic by its very nature. Even as I continually attempt this feat on a daily basis, the voice I hear in the back of my mind is, "jack of all trades, master of none."
What exactly is the J.O.T. Method? This is a method in which you train yourself to focus on the accomplishment of Just One Task. A major part of succeeding in overcoming procrastination is letting go of my need for perfection. In reading The More You Do the Better You Feel, I found that the J.O.T. method to be useful in addressing my procrastination issues for two reasons, it addresses one of my strengths- list making and of course, one of my weaknesses- procrastinating. I recommend The More You Do, The Better You Feel How to Overcome Procrastination and Live a Happier Life for motivation to put productivity into practice and procrastination out to pasture.
Author's Excerpt
Are You A Human Ostrich?
Do you stick your head in the sand at the thought of dealing with a task that seems boring, complicated, or unpleasant? Do you pay your bills late because the last time you balanced your checkbook was more than six months ago? While working on a task do you keep thinking you should be dealing with a different task?
* Is your living space messy and your life unorganized?
* Do you clean up only when family or friends will be visiting-only to let your place fall back into untidiness after they've gone?
* After you've cleaned for visitors, do you tell yourself "it doesn't count!" because you weren't doing it for yourself?
* Have you stopped having visitors over because you're ashamed of your mess?
* Do you worry you'll feel embarrassed if the landlord, a plumber, or a repairperson needed to visit your place?
* Do you constantly compare yourself to people who seem to "have it together?"
* Does your habitual procrastination leave you feeling depressed and anxious?
* Do you know the 25 characteristics and behaviors of the human ostrich?
* Are you concerned that your child or someone you care deeply about is becoming a habitual procrastinator?
The Solution To Your Habitual Procrastination Is Here!
* Learn the golden rules of overcoming procrastination.
* Stop falling victim to the downward cycle of procrastination and depression.
* Stop feeling overwhelmed and immobilized with fear by learning how to effectively cope with your tasks and responsibilities.
* Become a "do"-er by learning easy to use and highly effective new tool - The J.O.T. Method™.
About the Author
David Parker suffered for years with depression and anxiety. During a particularly low point he recalled a friend's advice and started keeping a feeling's diary. As time passed, he saw a connection between the tasks that he avoided facing and his poor feelings and low self-esteem. Armed with this insight, David taught himself to face his tasks and the overwhelming feelings they brought by learning to focus on Just One Task, which he incorporated into "The J.O.T. Method™." David Parker has lived in London, San Francisco, and Brooklyn, New York.
This book was previously published as- How Many Procrastinators Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb: Take Control of Your Life and Defeat Immobilizing Depression! Unfortunately, some consumers found that title to be a bit too lighthearted and they questioned whether the book was serious. Its new title, The More You Do The Better You Feel: How to Overcome Procrastination and Live a Happier Life, better reflects its serious nature. To find out more about this book and author, please visit our website
As the owner of this blog, niecyisms and nestlings, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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