What does energy feel like to you? Never have I ever felt an energy so vibrant bursting with good vibes from the text of a book. I mean this book is surrounded by the most powerful magnetic field drawing me in to read every single word. Undeniably these words transfer the energy and efforts of an exuberant teen off to a promising start as an established blogger, author, motivational speaker, and social activist, Hannah Alper. Remarkably noted as the sole teenager recognized as one of Bloomberg’s Ones To Watch In 2018, Hannah's momentous debut onto the literary scene with her first book, Momentus: Small Acts, Big Change is off to an energetic launch.
Thank you to Hannah Alper and her promotional team for the courtesy of providing an advanced reader copy for editorial content purposes.
Teen Activist Author Sparks Momentous Energy in MOMENTUS
Photo Credit: callmehannah.ca |
Topping the charts as #1 on Amazon’s list in sociology, and popping up in the Top 10 Bestselling Books For Teens in Indigo and Chapters, Momentus is a modern day agent for change. Author extraordinaire, 14-year-old Hannah Alper is using her voice and impressive social media platform to "inspire, motivate and empower people of all ages to identify their passion and take action".
With grassroots as a motivational speaker and ambassador, Hannah leads by example demonstrating big change through small, everyday actions. Exemplifying her motivational belief in the power and influence of younger generations to positively impact the future. Momentus globally documents the vision and actualization of change taking place in our world. Featuring influential contributions from-
Severn Cullis-Suzuki
Spencer West
Ashley Rose Murphy
Vivienne Harr
Blake Mycoskie
Lilly Singh
Travis Price
Shania Pruden
Malala Yousafzai
Mitch Kurylowicz
Maya Penn
Corinne Hindes
Brad Montague
Muzoon Almellehan
Amanda, Zoe & Alexis Knox
Michael “Pinball” Clemons
Kayley Reed
Lily Collins
Marc & Craig Kielburger
Photo Credit: callmehannah.ca |
“This book has been a passion project of mine for years and I am so happy kids, teenagers, and adults are reading it to make a difference,” states Hannah, “I believe that if there are many of us making small actions, it will lead to big change. The title of this book grew out of that idea. When all of our actions are added up, the impact will be momentous and we will change the world. It is about all of us and all of our moments when we are inspired, passionate and moved to act—Momentus.”
Experience the momentous energy of Momentus: Small Acts, Big Change by up-and-coming teen author and activist Hannah Alper today.
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