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The Legend of the Donkey


Animals are so interesting to know, observe, and learn about their ways. Considering myself to have accumulated more than my fair share of trivial knowledge, I was officially today years old (lol) when I learned this particular fun fact. Am I the last one to discover The Legend of the Donkey? Traditionally shared during Christmas and Easter seasons, the origins of the Christian legend of the Nativity Donkey, recognized by the cross on its back is believed to have carried Jesus to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Did you know that the donkey is the only breed of animal with the image of the cross on its back? Is the donkey's marking a coincidence or confirmation? Tell me what your thoughts are about the legend of the donkey.

The Legend of the Donkey

"Many, many years ago, God used a little donkey to carry Mary to Bethlehem where Jesus would be born in a stable and lay in a manger. Many years later, a donkey would carry Jesus to Jerusalem where He would die upon the cross. God marked the donkey's back with a cross. It stands as a reminder of God's son Jesus, who was born and died for us all."

Source Unknown
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