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3 Core Values for Parents to Nurture The Virtue of Compassion in Kids

"Compassion is the emotion that one feels in response to the suffering of others that motivates a desire to help." 

This article is my voice shared as #1000Speak individually yet collectively. Our vision as a collective is to inspire authentic "voices" to share stories of compassion, kindnesssupport, caring for others, non-judgement, care for the environment, and as movement, share their voices on February 20, 2015. It is our hope to ignite compassion in the world. Follow #1000Speak to join, encourage and support our vision.

3 Core Values for Parents to Nurture The Virtue of Compassion in Kids

Are you an example of a compassionate person? Where do you attribute the origins of your foundations in compassion? As a parent, I strive to teach my children the necessity of displaying compassion for other which is not always a simple task. If we are to offer a compassionate respect for others, we are required to remove our own personal judgments and reactions from the situation in an effort to be of assistance to another's physical or emotional needs. In effect, we are called to remove self as a means of acting selflessly.

Compassion while emotional in nature, evolve from empathy, differing as we feel called to action on someone else's behalf. We see their situation through their eyes, we feel their needs, therefore activating the desire to help another in their time of need. While simple in theory, the process of compassion is an involved response. Acts of compassion I have learned are considered by major religious traditions and spiritual beliefs to be among the greatest of all virtues.

1. Life Lessons and Experiences

Compassion requires action which children and adults must practice daily. Interactions with family, classmates, and friends are opportunities for life lessons and experiences for kids to gain insight. We also learn compassion as we learn to give freely. Understanding the value of intrinsic rewards by performing random acts of kindness and volunteering in community service projects helps in developing compassion. The positive effect of school projects, after-school activities, scouts and religious involvement provide  ways for children to interact, learn and develop skills while demonstrating compassion locally, nationally, and globally.

2. Communication and Feedback

The most influential factor towards learning compassion is developed in our own homes. We can best enable our children by discussing how their emotions, positive or negative can be used to help solve problems. By acknowledging, expressing and understanding the power of their emotions and their actions, our children gain empowerment. Developing compassion in our children is best when there is a concerted effort from families, teachers, religious instructors and community leaders. Encourage children to talk about their feelings with supportive adults.

3. Character Education

In life, our children will learn compassion through experience. The more frequently children are exposed to the virtues of kindness, respect, empathy, and caring within their families and activities, stronger is the probability of the emergence of compassionate adolescents and adults. It is essential to character development, most significantly during the impressionable teen years, that our children are able to draw from their personal life lessons and experiences within themselves, to develop positive character traits as adults. According to recent research, studies show that compassion in vital in helping children to develop into generous, nurturing and respectful adults.  

By learning compassion we are unfortunately unable to comprehend acts of aggression in others. It is a sad fact that children are bullied and mistreated by other people. Bullying is unacceptable and requires prompt action to deter the situation. By utilizing the core values of nurturing compassion, our children will not be left to face these situations alone. During these times, we as parents, family, friends and community members are useful in helping children to take a strong stand against bullies without risk of harm or speaking or acting out of anger.

#1000Speak February 20, 2015


  1. Es un blog tan bueno. Gracias por compartir tan buena información.


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