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Take the Earth Day Every Day Pledge Today for a Greener Tomorrow *Free Printable*

  Calling all Earthlings! This is our time to find creative ways to celebrate Earth Day every day. Let's save the planet! It's a well-known saying that April showers will bring May flowers. It's not by coincidence that all of this beauty unfolds just in time for Earth Day celebrations all around the world. The Earth Day message stands to offer those of us in need of a gentle reminder of our incredible responsibility to reduce, reuse, recycle, restore and replenish our greatest, greenest natural resources. We are asking you to take your commitment to protecting the environment into action as we take the Earth Day Every Play Pledge for a greener tomorrow. 

Take the Earth Day Everyday Pledge Today 
for a Greener Tomorrow

Earth Month is observed throughout the entire month of April. Earth Week events are generally planned during the weekends before or after Earth Day, which is celebrated by activists, environmentalist and citizens around the world on April 22nd each year. The first Earth Day was observed in 1970 by Earth Day Network (EDN). Today, 45 years later, EDN continues to grow and implement actions to promote environmental awareness and activism all around the world.

Earth Day serves to raise awareness and generate support for environmental activist programs, renew supporter commitments and strengthen community activism around the world through the organization of events, festivals, and campaigns. According to EDN, "Earth Day is the largest civic event in the world, celebrated simultaneously around the globe by people of all backgrounds, faiths, and nationalities. More than a billion people participate in our campaigns every year."

Take the Earth Day Every Day Pledge Today for a greener tomorrow. Much progress has been made toward environmental awareness, yet there is still so much more that we can do. The opportunities to become involved are your call to action. Get involved, volunteer, organize or attend an event, take a pledge to make Earth Day every day. This is the perfect occasion to do something extra special for the Earth, go green, tell a friend, and of course, make a difference. 

Let's get started today! We care, we can save the Earth. Here's your Official My Earth Day Every Day Pledge
